Restoring Leadership


Character and communication development is the answer to most problems facing leaders today. In our culture, we have seen a lot of deterioration in these areas.

We are here to help you Revive, Restore and Redirect your Leadership

"If you are a leader, exert yourself to lead." (Romans 12: 8)

Most people don’t think of themselves as leaders. If you don’t think of yourself as a leader then you are limiting in your thinking.

Leading is the way we help move people, including ourselves into action. The question is not whether or not we are leaders, but how well we lead. 

People everyday watch you and you influence whether you want to or not.

Become an Ideal Leader...and Unlock Your True Potential

Those who have most powerfully and permanently influenced on their generations have always been the "seers"
They are people who have seen more and farther than others.
They also could think faster, clearer and farther ahead than those around them.

The gift of leadership is from God, but it is our responsibility to polish it, develop it, and improve it through His enabling power.

In order to improve our leadership, we must understand the characteristics that compose good leadership.

Thinking is the beginning place of leadership.

You might believe that people who think are commonplace. Not so! Thinking people are always in short supply.

How are you going to Lead your life and others lives? It is about Life and not just leadership. Everyday we are asked to make choices. Everyday we must decide how to handle different situations. You can do it God’s way or the world’s way.

The 10 Building Blocks of the Energetic Leader

Your program will provide the accelerated training needed to master the areas necessary to becoming an awesome leader.

  1. Bullet An authentic relationship with God...that you live out in everything you do.

  1. BulletCharacter that Counts

  1. BulletEmotional Intelligence

  1. BulletDynamic Communication

  1. BulletEngaging Others

  1. BulletProblem Solving

  1. BulletProductivity and Decision


  1. BulletHigh Energy Relationships-Unfailing Love for others

  1. BulletHealth and Wellness

  1. BulletTime Management and Balance

There are 2 Streams of Thoughts

Catabolic & Anabolic Energy thoughts are 2 forces that Create Your World--Every Minute of Every Day.

Which One Do You Swim In?

Remember everything starts with Thoughts, those thoughts turn into Words, then goes on to become Action. Thoughts begin to increase in engery as it is rolling down the hill into Action. The key then is to control or change the thoughts before the words that you can somewhat control the outcome to  create life or death.

People catch our spirit just like they catch our colds – by getting close to us.

Learn to maintain an infectious optimism and a burning enthusiasm.
Show excitement and be energetic and you will find that others will also.

  1. BulletNegative or Catabolic Energy Leader-are leaders that destroy and damage.

Today this is is the most common way of leading organizations, ministries, homes, families and ourselves.

This stream is not created by Living water, but by fear.

What’s wrong?

What needs to be fixed?















Only the Strong Survive



Power Plays

Personal Rights

From the time of our birth we have been trained to see, feel, hear and listen to this negative way of doing things.

During any typical day most people spend a great deal of time focusing on what’s wrong..with their family, their jobs, their projects, their colleagues, their relationships, and their lives.

Thoughts are indeed contagious. Even a few people in an organization can change the dynamic of the group by their negative feelings. These feeling can spread like virus. “Group think” sets in, and their thoughts become group “fact.”  Once that occurs, groups can implode energetically, into a swirl of gossip, negativity, conflict and contempt.

1.“But shun profane and vain babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness. And their message will spread like cancer.” (2 Timothy 2:16)

2.“In all labor there is profit, but idle chatter leads only to poverty.” (Proverbs 14:23)

3.“A talebearer reveals secrets, but he who is of a faithful spirit conceals a matter.” (Proverbs 11:13)

4.“A brother offended is harder to win than a strong city …” (Proverbs 18:19)

5.“A perverse man sows strife, and a whisperer separates the best of friends.” (Proverbs 16:28)

6.“… but he who repeats a matter separates the best of friends.” (Proverbs 17:9)

  1. BulletPositive or Anabolic Energy Leader- is creative stream that is life giving.

Jesus came to give us LIFE and give it more abundantly.

Your “word life” with others will make or break you and your organization. If you do not learn how to speak to other people in a positive and Godly manner, then sooner or later no one will want to have anything to do with you or your organization. Remember it all starts with your thought life. What are you feeding your soul?  The bible and the words of Jesus is a great place to start.

What’s right?

Works through love















Lead by serves

Lead by Example

Personal Responsibility

The strong has the most to Give

What’ the opportunity here?

How can we make this work?

There are no mistakes only opportunities?

Where do we go from here?

What was done right?

You can choose which way you want to flow....even if everyone around are in a negative destructive flow.

What will it take to shift the pressure and negativity that surrounds not only corporate American but our personal lives and the state of our communities?

What will help employees to be productive, content, and have a positive view of both the organization they work for and the people they work with?

You can have the ability to motivate and inspire yourselves and others to do extraordinary things.  You can have the ability to make energetic shifts in all lives of the organizations. The most successful organizations are those that are filled with powerful, positive, anabolic leaders, and that means everyone in the organizations, not just the “ones at the top.”

It will take a powerful leader who is skilled, high sophisticated, and versatile, and one who understands the power of energy that starts with thought.

1.“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” (Proverbs 18:21)

2.“There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword, but the tongue of the wise promotes health. The truthful lip shall be established forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment.” (Proverbs 12:18)

3.“Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking guile. Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.” (Psalm 34:13)

4.“A man’s stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth, and from the produce of his lips he shall be filled.” (Proverbs 18:20)

5.“The Lord God has given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary.” (Isaiah 50:4)

6.“Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.” (Colossians 4:5)

7.“The mouth of the righteous is a well of life, but violence covers the mouth of the wicked.” (Proverbs 10:11)

8.“The words of a man’s mouth are deep waters; the wellspring of wisdom is a flowing brook.” (Proverbs 18:4)

9.“A wholesome tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit.” (Proverbs 15:4)

10.“Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.” (Proverbs 16:24)

11.“Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad.” (Proverbs 12:25)

12.“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly, but the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness.” (Proverbs 15:1)

13.“He who guards his mouth preserves his life, but he who opens wide his lips shall have destruction.” (Proverbs 13:3)

14.“Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles.” (Proverbs 21:23)

15.“The heart of the righteous studies how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours forth evil.” (Proverbs 15:28)

16.“Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips.” (Psalm 141:3)

You can find out what Kind of Leader that you through by taking the Engery Leadership™ Index Assessment. This Assessment is described on this page.

The great thing about this assessment is....once you know where you are you can change where you want to be.

What is Engery Leadership?

Leadership & Organization


Leadership is how we interact with everyone, including yourself.  Leaders are quite visible within small and large businesses. We tend to think of them as business owners and CEO’s and managers at various levels.  However, parents, pastors, therapists and health care providers, sports coaches, consultants, mentors, partners in relationships, teachers, authors and others who interact with people on a regular basis are all leaders. EVERYONE is a leader either by choice or default.

If you don’t think of yourself as a leader, then you are limited in your thinking, Leading is the way we help move people, including ourselves, into actions.  The question is not whether or not we are leaders, but how well we lead.

Leadership is simply influence.

It is the ability of one person to influence others.

One can lead others only to the extent that he can influence them to follow his leadership.


Organizations are not limited to business.  They can be groups, teams and people around you.  It’s the colleagues you work with and the family you go home to .  Your organization includes all those who are grouped within your many circle of influence.  Each of us is a part of many organizations.

Engery Leadership™ Index Assessment:

A Mirror that reflects your world

The Engery Leadership™ Index (E.L.I.) is a one-of-a-kind assessment that enables leaders to hold up mirrors to their perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, and overall leadership capabilities.  The E.L.I. forms the initial launching point for the Energy Leadership Development System, helping give you a baseline for your current performance and situation.  Whether you proceed through the full system or not, the realizations that you’ll gain from the Engery Leadership assessment and debrief process alone will change the way you view your world.

Background;  An Attitudinal Assessment

There are two main types of assessments; Personality and Attitudinal.  Personality based assessments, such as Myers Briggs and D.I.S.C. are very valuable tools that pinpoint certain personality types so that people can have more of an understanding  about what their strengths and weaknesses are. By understanding your personality and how it relates to what you can adapt your behavior to “work with what you have,” to function effectively.

The E.L.I. is an attitudinal assessment, which is based on an energy/action model.  This assessment differs from personality assessments as it is not intended to label a person and have them work well within that label. Instead, it measures your level of energy based on your attitude, or perception and perspective of your world.  Because attitude is subjective, it can be altered.  By working with a coach using the E.L.I., you can alter you attitude and perspective, make a shift in your consciousness, and increase your energy and leadership effectiveness.

There are no limits as to the potential growth that you can achieve.  Once you realize that your level or consciousness is directly related to your actions, you can move from functioning effectively to functioning optimally.

As part of the Energy Leadership Index assessment and debrief process, you’ll learn about the 7 levels of leadership and how much energy you currently have in the catabolic-suppressing range and in the Anabolic-inspirational range.  You’ll be debriefed on the findings of the assessment, and coached on how to navigate yourself to higher performance.

If you proceed on to the Energy Leadership Development System, you’ll be coach on how to become your ideal image of who you need to be as a leader for you situation, division, team, and /or company.

Web copy used by permission. No reproduction or retransmission is permitted without expressed written consent of Bruce D Schneider and iPEC Coaching.  Some content from this page has come from this source.

© 2006 iPEC Coaching

  1. BulletRestored Courage

Leadership almost always involves risks: the risk of failure and the risk of opposition. You have to decide to go forward in spite of fears and opposition. While every leader faces the fear of criticism from others, one also faces an even greater enemy from within called the fear of failure.

Every time we take a stand for Christ, we become a target. If you take a leadership position, you become a bigger target. People will exclude you, ridicule you, criticize you behind your back. Just recently we saw the criticism Tebow for praying. Sarah Palin.

Attacks and some painful blows especially when they come from other Christians.

You will always have critics. No person and no idea will please everybody and opposition is sure to come

There is a price to be paid to be an effective Christian leader. You need to know that and be prepare for this cost.

  1. BulletRestoration as a Servant

We are not seeking to build organizations. We want to develop people.

We are grass roots, not top brass.

"there are many things the world can do as well as the church (entertain, sing, counsel, draw crowds, build buildings) but there is only one thing the church can do that the world cannot . . . we can extend grace. That's our focus. That's the big picture.” Gordan MacDonald

Serve others with love, kindness and respect no matter how big of a leader you become.

  1. BulletRestoring your Mind-Run Your own Brain

You need to learn how to be decisive and make a decision. You can’t wait till all obstacles are overcome or you will never do anything.

Find out more click over to Restoring your Mind CLICK

  1. BulletRestored Vision

End thinker Visionary-You look beyond today. Need to be able to see things from God’s position and ultimately where will your vision end.  Then you build backwards a plan to obtain that vision.

Vision is seeing the obvious that other people overlook.

Vision is seeing what ought to be done and how to do it.

Vision is the result of a mental process that involves praying, dreaming and thinking.

John R. Mott, a world leader in Christian missions,

gave as his definition, "A leader is one who knows the road,

who can keep ahead, and who pulls others after him."

  1. BulletRestore Flexablity-Go with the flow

If you are in the trap of doing things the way they have always been done. You or your organization will not survive. The business and people that have been flexibly durning this economic downturn have survived and thrived. Ministries that are telling the same 2,000 year old message differently are moving forward with great don’t have to change the message just change your old ways of doing things.

The only constant is change. We all experience change whether in our needs, expectations, environment, relationships, careers, economics, business, time and more. 

Change affect us everywhere and in everything we live for today.  The security we ask from the various aspects of our lives is no longer guaranteed on any level.  Change what you can change, do what you can do. Figure out where you are and where you need to be.  Then leave the rest in Gods hands.

  1. BulletRestore Your Communication

If you are not getting the right response from others then you need to communicate differently.  It does not matter if you think you are communicating effectively, it is what others are getting from you. Communicating is not about people getting you it is about you getting people and entering their perception  of the world.

  1. BulletRestored Energy & Character that Comes from God

We are effective only when we function in God's strength. Our strength is not in OUR ability but His. The first responsibility of every Christian leader is to abide in God's strength.

"We must remember that the best of men are men at best."Allistar Begg

Paul said, we must work "with all HIS energy, which so powerfully works in me." All the energy that we can muster cannot equal what God can do through us.

Copyright © 2005-2015 Barbara Vernoski Restoring Life Today  All rights reserved. 973-670-0876

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Speaking Topics and Workshops for Leadership Retreat, Workshops and Conferences

Title: “Empowering Women Executives to Stay at the Top of Their Game and Win”

Objective and Goal of Workshop: Success is not an accident.  Your greatness as a leader is measured by the impact you have on your followers. People only work for what is important to them, not for what is important to others. Once you understand this, you will get the buy-in from everyone, thus creating a win-win environment for you, coworkers, employees and ultimately your company.

-You can tell if you are a leader by the number of followers you have

-Negative or Catabolic Energy Leaders

-Ask what is right not wrong…how can we do it better

-We do not see the World as it is, we see it as we are “our perception is not reality”

-High impact communications that inspire and motive others to action.

-Removing Barriers to Success

-Self-management will be your greatest challenge.

-You have more talent than you could use in a hundred life times.

-The greatest frontier today is not outer space but your inner space

-Learn to overcome the feeling of undeservingness, “I’m not good enough”

-Stop thinking about yourself and get into the minds and hearts of others

-Be Careful about who you are

-Hope is not a Strategy

-Social Intelligence; your ability to negotiate, communicate, persuade, and sell yourself, your products and your services to others


Objective of Workshop:

There are traps that are sabotaging our success. Before you lead others, you need to first know and understand yourself and find the leader within. Authentic leadership is about being more of who you are as an indivual. Learn a Blueprint to take back control of your life, your family and organization.  Barbara is one of the few women who is an Accredited Certified Energy Leadership Coach and is also authorized to administer, asses and debrief the Energy Leadership assessment. The creator of this assessment interviewed her on Radio, because she possesses the qualities of an Energy Leader.

-  Are you a Catabolic or Negative Leader or Are you Anabolic-Positive Leader?

-  Reframing a picture can look totally different, so can you

-  Removing Barriers to Success

-  G.A.I.L.- how this gal can hold you back, find out what this acronym is

-  The 7 levels of Leadership

-  Learning concrete ways and tools to change those Beliefs and make change

-  We do not see the World as it is, we see it as “we are,” our perception is not reality

-  High impact communications that inspire and motivate others to action.

-  Everyone is a leader either by choice of default

Title: “RESTORATION STRATEGIES used by THE TOP COACHES and LEADERS”- Restore big dreams and Goals for you and your organization

Objective of Workshop:

Learn how to champion for yourself, your employees and your business. Highly successful leaders are “end thinkers.” If you don’t know where you are going, how do you know when you have arrived? You can become a visionary and create success.  Bringing out the best in all of you. Create awareness and understanding on a whole new level. Form a community and team that are unshakable.

- “It is never too late to have a happy childhood.”

-  The Gift of Coaching, One of the Greatest Gift You Can Give

          -  What is the difference between Coaching, Therapy and Managing?

          -  The Magic of Listening and Having Others Feel Heard

          -  Leaders need to talk less and listen more.

          -  Learning how to ask Empowering questions

          -  Get to know your employees and coworkers better through Coaching

          -  Go beyond S.M.A.R.T.

          -  Create a new pattern for success

          -  Learn Motivating Strategies to accomplish your dreams

          -  T.O.T.E Model-Test, Operate, Test, Exit

          -  G.A.I.L.-

          -  It’s your road map, who’s in the driver seat?

          -  A goal always has to start with the end in mind.

          -  Becoming your own Restoration Strategist


Objective of Workshop:

Neuro Linguistic Programing is the art and science of communication. Anthony Robbins and many highly success leaders are versed in this study. Barbara has the highest degree of Training in this area as a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Lingetic Programming, one that very few women in the world have.

          -  The art of story telling

          -  People don’t remember facts and figures, but they do remember a good story.

          -  Discover How to Manage Conversations and Magically Have Breakthrough Results

          -  We hear the word “rapport,” but what does it mean?

          -  Telling a story to capture people’s hearts and minds

-  How to have strategic communication

-  Leaders inspire others by painting a picture so that others will retell your goal

-  Building effective Messages

-  Deliver a powerful and compelling presentation

-  Getting the buy-in and having a positive impact

          -  Perceptional Positions of communication

-  Learn what all advertisers and politicians know to influence others to take action