Restoring Your Mind


Main Benefits of Using NLP

NLP explores how we think and feel about life. NLP is first and foremost about action. By using NLP you can give yourself more conscious choice over what you do and the way you act. Using NLP at work and in your personal life will sharpen your skills and boost your achievements. "The theories and practices”, of NLP will help you discover what makes some people excel in all aspects of their lives, and will enable you to do the same. 

What exactly is NLP

Some people use it for communication skills, some for influence and for therapy.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) It is the latest discovery in the Cognitive Sciences studies.  It is a study of  the structure of how humans think and experience the world.  NLP is like software for your brain and you get to tell it what to do. Instead of your brain running you, you can run it. NLP technology  is based on an ability to produce your desired results, thus allowing you to become proficient at creating your future and retraining your brain to think differently.

NLP is like software for your brain to help us  “run our own Brain” we have to understand that our brain runs on inputs that happens words, sounds, images, sensation , taste and smell.

Your brain takes all these inputs and creates its own language (NLP) of mind-body advanced communications.

Your brain is kinda like a computer. It codes your thoughts, feelings, perception and memories through our five senses. Some of these thoughts you aware of and others are tucked away until something stimulates it.  None of this thoughts are hard-wired they are software driven and that means you can change them. No two people have the same inputs and software. So you have an unique ‘map’ of the world. Every thing you do goes through these maps. Maps sometimes can get outdated...they can not only become outdated but sometimes they can change format all together now these days we don’t use paper maps we have google maps and GPS.  If you up date your maps your whole life can change.

NLP is used everywhere you just don’t know it. When you watch an ad on TV they are trying to get you to change your map to want their product.

Some companies that use it

IBM, American Express, Apple Computer, Xerox, Merrill Lynch, Mercedes Benz, BMW, and many others use NLP to improve communication, build teams, and increase productivity.

Your past old maps does not need to direct your future.

Neuro: The nervous system (the mind), through which our experience are processed via five senses.  We use our five senses and turn them into info and then codes it into our memory.  So we use all of this to program our minds or create a system of highways in our heads.  It is a process of imputing info, processing it and putting it in order.

Five senses:

    * Visual

    * Auditory

    * Kinesthetic

    * Olfactory

    * Gustatory

Linguistic: Language and other nonverbal communication systems through which our neural representations are coded,ordered and given meaning. These are not only the words we say, but also the words we say to ourselves.

    * Pictures

    * Sounds

    * Feelings

    * Tastes

    * Smells

    * Words (Self Talk)

Examples of These are:

Visual:  I see what you are saying.

Auditory: I have heard good things about you,

Kinesthetic: I feel good about the whole project.

Olfactory: Smells like a winner to me.

Gustatory: I can almost taste victory.

Programming: is the ability to organize these parts (sights, sounds, sensations, smells tastes, and symbols or words) within our mind-body to help  achieve our desired outcomes.  All these parts are what sum up  the programs we run inside our brain.

Taking control of one's own mind describes the heart of NLP.

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The Four Main Parts of    NLP

      Relationships and Rapport Building

-How you build a relationship with yourself and others. Whatever you do and whatever you want, being successful will involve relating to and influencing others. So, the first pillar of NLP is to establish Rapport with yourself and then others.


      Outcome Thinking and Setting Your Goal

-Knowing what you want. What this means is beginning to think about what it is you want rather than getting stuck in a negative problem mode.  Precision is the key to success. The more precise you are knowing what it is that you want and why, the more likely you are to get exactly what you want. And the more likely you are to know when you have achieved it. It is a whole new way of thinking – consistently ask yourself and others what you/they want.

*Ninety-five percent of Americans do not set goals.


      Sensory Acuity or Awareness

-It is just that using your senses: looking at, listening to and feeling what is actually happening to you. Only then will you know whether you are on course for your goal and can use this feedback  to adjust what you are doing as necessary.  Did you know that your senses are bombard with 2 billion hits of info per second but your conscious mind can only deal with 5-9 pieces of info at any given moment.  So, What happens to all that other info?  The third principle of NLP is Sensory Awareness.  When you know these you will be more keyed into yourself and others


    Behavioral Flexibility

. This is how you do things differently when what you are currently doing does not work.  Guess what, you have many choices of action, there is not just one way to do something. The more choices you have, the more chances of success. If we do what we always did, we get what we always got. Keep changing what you do until you get what you want.

Barbara inspires people to "show up" at their personal best, using every tool available to them at this moment.

Her audiences will leave able to create exactly the relationships they want for themselves, their partnerships, both personal and professional, and generate their intended impact through "Restoration strategy™" and shifting perceptions and behaviors.

Her uplifting and motivational messages transform people's lives by enabling them to envision and passionately pursue rewarding new opportunities in life. Her messages resonate with audiences of all kinds from corporations to trade associations to youth groups.

If you would like to read more testimonial click here.


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NLP Used in Communication

As the founders of NLP observed professional communicators in many fields, they discovered that successful communicators possessed three qualities. Thus anyone can become an exquisite communicator by developing these three skills.

1. Identify explicit and achievable outcomes. Successful communicators know from the outset the direction and purpose of their communication. THEY ARE END THINKERS.

2. Use sensory awareness to notice responses. These skills enable them to live in the now, in sensory-awareness, and provides them with necessary feedback about their progress toward their outcomes.

  1. 3.Flexibly alter behavior to achieve outcomes. Successful communicators develop the flexibility of behavior to continually change and adjust their communications to achieve their outcomes. An NLP presupposition states, "The person with the most flexibility of behavior controls the system." Successful communicators will change their communication and behavior to attain their outcomes.

4 Rapport Building- Understand were another is coming from or communicating from because you understand their internal maps.


"be transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Romans 12:2)

10 Ways that NLP Can Be Used

  1. BulletRestore yourself and develop into what God wants you to be

  1. BulletRestore and maintain Relationships with others

  1. BulletRestore a win-win outcome for yourself and others

  1. BulletMeet those Goals and objectives-personal life dreams, professional -increase sales, get that promotion or find a different job

  1. BulletSpeaking or Preaching with a powerful presentation that people will be called to the action

  1. BulletManage your resource and time wisely

  1. BulletSuccess will become your best friend

  1. BulletConnect with other people on a one-on-one level or a whole audience

  1. BulletCommunicate effectively and be understood and understand others

  1. BulletUnderstand that no one will think just like you do because we have different if you want to connect with someone else you need to understand their internal map.

What does the Bible say about NLP?

NLP is a highly practical way to restore your mind because; you do not want to be conformed to this world (Rom 12:2). It is an effective way to get rid of "bitter roots" that can destroy your life  (Heb 12:15).

Your brain is one of the greatest gifts God has given you.  He wants you to use it and learn how it works.  Nothing gives you fuller access to the full capabilities of your mind, body and emotions than NLP. NLP encourages you to make the most of all your gifts that God has given you. Satan likes to create confusion in our minds so that we cannot be effective for God.

Many Christians have questions and concerns about utilizing psychological change techniques. It is an extraordinarily crucial that we measure everything we do through the Bible. God has given us NLP as distinguished set of tools to facilitate change. If you are a Christian then your sufficiency is in God through Jesus. The tools are used through and with Him. NLP can be used in a harmful way just as a car can be used to kill someone or in a good way for transportation.  NLP, unfortunately, is used among New Agers, which is why it is often looked at as something ungodly.  Another example is the computer it can be used to look at porn or tell others about Jesus.

My training came from a Christian base NLP program.

God wants our thought to be on…. “Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things (Phil 4:8). God is also the source of healing, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” (Ps 147:3). NLP is used as a tool to get us from where we are to where we want to be.

God gives us choices and He gave us the choice to follow Him through His son Jesus. God gave you that gift or, “CHOICE OF THOUGHT,” allowing YOU to run your own mind. "Take into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" (2 Cor. 10:5).

Did you know that we see life though our filters and perception? Sometimes our perceptions are not reality. Other people see the world through their perception and see the world differently. God sees things from a different perception and that is a bird’s eye view. He sees the beginning, middle and the end. God says, “…For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.” You can be taught how to take control of our lives by learning to control our minds. "A spirit of power, love and sound mind" (2 Tim. 1:7).

A word you will hear a bunch is the word, “programming” and that freaks some people out. The word, “programming,” comes from one of the inventors of NLP because he was a computer programmer. It freaks you out because of the meaning that YOU are giving the word. When we program our computers that is a marvelous thing.  It also is a marvelous thing when we can program our minds with God’s Word.

“Programming” is very much like conditioning. We are all being programmed or conditioned by the experiences around us, by the things we see, hear, and feel. It is impossible for the mind not be programmed, because it picks up everything. “Be carefully little eyes what you see….”  We can choice to program our minds with God’s thoughts through the Bible. We can even start conditioning our children on the things of God, “Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6).  If you pour scriptures into to them while they are young you will be programming them with the things of God. This will be in their, “hard drive,” forever and it will be unbreakable for them to depart from it.

Some examples of programming or conditioning, is TV, the smell of an old family recipe cooking, a song from the early 80’s or favorite Hymn it takes you back to your old thoughts. With thought we have emotions attached to them, so it evokes emotions some good and some bad. "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he..." (Proverbs 23:7)

I have found NLP to be highly effective. I was suffering from Panic Attacks and after a session of NLP they disappeared. The funny thing is my mind was already conditioning itself.  If I had my medication then I was ok, but when I didn’t have the medication with me, I was afraid I was going to have a panic attack and would. After just 1 NLP session and discovering the bitter root of fear I gave it to Jesus. Using an NLP tool called. “Drop down through,” I replaced my fear thoughts with victory thoughts of Jesus.

In NLP the focus is about moving from the present state to the desired state wining the battle of the mind and thoughts. This change of state occurs when an individual recognizes there are a gap between what they experiencing now and the promise of salvation through faith and obedience to God and his teachings. "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."  (Romans 12:2)

Copyright © 2005-2015 Barbara Vernoski Restoring Life Today  All rights reserved. 973-670-0876

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